The Beauty in Small Wins
Singing offkey "Do you know what today is? It’s our anniversary, our anniversary…."
It’s been one whole year, 365 days, 52 weeks, that I launched In Awe Of…, and to be honest, I wasn’t going to celebrate, mention or acknowledge it.
Why? Well, a lot of my reasoning has to do with not achieving every goal I set to accomplish regarding the blog thus far. When I launched In Awe Of… I envisioned my first year of blogging somewhat different from how it has actually gone. The time, the discipline, the consistency it takes to run a blog is something I’m continuously working on. So because I didn’t accomplish all my goals or because my “grandeur” ideas of the blog haven't come to pass yet, I psyched myself into believing there wasn’t anything to celebrate or be grateful for. (Please shake your head at me.)
“Success is a series of small wins.”
But, during a conversation with a dear friend yesterday, we were talking about how a lot has happened this year, good and bad, and she reminded me that through it all we have to be grateful for our small wins, and I’ll take it a step further and say we should celebrate those small wins.
As we spoke, it dawned on me that ‘celebrating and being grateful for small wins’ has been a common theme in conversations with my family and friends these past few months. These last few years, I have constantly shifted my focus on the next big thing I have to accomplish or the next level I have tasked myself to reach, once I have met a goal. Instead of basking in the present success of what I achieved, I was already thinking about what’s next. Never fully celebrating or being grateful for the win, if I’m being honest.
I think back on what a big deal it was for me to fully commit to launching In Awe Of…, and actually doing it. I think back on my first blog post, my first reader comment, my first review, the first encouraging text or phone call I received to keep writing and inspiring. At the time these things happened, they were big to me, but I took those moments for granted by not continuing to say thank for these small blessings, focusing on what’s next.
These ‘small wins' are worth celebrating and things to be grateful for. So a toast to In Awe Of… It’s your anniversary!
Forever in Awe,
C. Yejide