The Beauty in Grit and Grace
At the tender age of 32, yes tender, I’ve looked over my life and realized that everything I had planned to accomplish by age 26 has not necessarily come to fruition as of yet. By 26 (I don’t know why I chose this age), I planned to be living my best life with my husband, 2 children (twins) to be exact, working my dream job (big-time NYC attorney) and genuinely happy. Well, life happened, and as the old Yiddish proverb says, “We plan, God laughs”. But as God has been laughing, he’s also been protecting, guiding, and lifting me up. Two things that I learned you need to survive, thrive and FLOURISH in this thing called life is GRIT and GRACE. Grit to make it through the obstacles that may come your way and Grace from God, for yourself, and for others.
Grit is defined as courage and resolve; strength of character. Some of its synonyms listed are perseverance, endurance, tenacity, and determination. But, grit defined by me, is “Get it done, no matter what!”; whatever that “it” may be. Even if you have to pray, cry, or fight through it. Patience, hard work, and humility will bring produce your desired results.
When I think of grace, I think of unmerited favor. God’s grace has taken me places I didn’t quite feel qualified for and saved and protected me from things seen and unseen. In learning to accept and appreciate the grace of God, I’ve also learned to give myself and others grace. Giving myself grace and extending that grace to others is a gentle reminder that I am NOT PERFECT; things will not always work out how I envisioned them, and quite frankly everything will be okay. Grace for myself has also allowed me to remain as authentic as I can be.
The grit and the grace I have been blessed with are what I tapped into during my law school journey. Going to law school is not something you commit to haphazardly; and if you did, you will soon get a wakeup call that will shake up your whole life; WHOLE LIFE. I often advise people that are considering attending, the same thing that was told to me prior to going: “If this is not what you wholeheartedly want to do, do not, I repeat, DO NOT, do it. ABORT MISSION!”
But even though I have faced many trials these past two and a half years, be it mentally, physically, emotionally and financially, those trials do not compare to the grace and countless blessings I’ve received.
There were times I wanted to give up, times when I felt inadequate and full of doubt, but Grit made me push through, made me put fear to the side and get things done! During those times God always showed me His grace through countless opportunities, through a phone call/text with a prayer attached, or through an encouraging word. Receiving His grace allowed me to show grace to myself and others and rest on the fact that He’s in total control.
As Joyce Meyer often says, “I may not be where I want to be, but thank God I am not where I used to be.” Grit and Grace got me to this point.
How has grit and grace helped you? Let’s discuss below.
Forever in Awe,
C. Yejide