The Beauty in Why... My Why
As a young child, growing up in a Nigerian household, a child asking the question “Why?” was seen as rude and was not to be done. But as I’ve grown older, “Why?” has become a staple in my journey of life. Asking myself the question of “Why?" before beginning anything has kept me committed and accountable to the “thing" at hand. Whether that “thing” has been going to law school, deciding to go natural, going on vacation to a certain destination, etc. So as I pondered on launching this blog, the first question I asked myself and wrote in my journal was “Why?” Why did I want to start a blog? I didn’t focus on the “who’s” or the “whats” or the “hows” because I knew that once my “why” was answered, those other questions would eventually answer themselves, or quite frankly, they wouldn’t matter. As philosopher, Frederick Nietzsche has stated, “He who has a why can endure any how.” Finding my why has been of utmost importance to me.
As I thought on my “Why” in this particular instance, I started to look at my personal collection of quotes because as you will come to learn, I’m a lover of quotes. While perusing my collection I came across a favorite, by the late, great Maya Angelou:
"There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.”-Maya Angelou
Once I saw this quote, I knew this was the answer to my “Why?”. As I have gone through this journey of life, I have been given the grace to overcome many trials and tribulations. I’ve been blessed with some great experiences and others not so great. These experiences, nonetheless, have molded me and pushed me to blossom into a beautiful woman (both internal and external), that strives to be as authentic and as “real" as possible. In striving to do so, my authenticity and “realness” will inspire those around me. But in order, for me to be authentic and to inspire, the stories I have accumulated and continue to, in my journey, should be.. no, MUST be told. The lessons I have learned thus far, and the blessings within those lessons were not meant to be kept to myself, but were meant to be shared, in hopes that it will encourage the next person.
My Why is rooted in my purpose to inspire, uplift and encourage, not only my readers but myself. This is why I’m in AWE of My Why.
What is your Why and why are you in AWE of it?
Remember, there are 26 letters in the English alphabet, find a way to arrange them that means something to you.
Forever in Awe,
C. Yejide